We’ll Be CCin You?
Each year, the new NFL campaign officially starts with the NFL Draft. Then comes Organized Team Activities (OTA’s) where the rookies come and offer the organization it’s first glimpse at their new toys.
While these OTA’s are voluntary for many, it seems the vast majority are showing up to their respective camps to put in work and to assess the rookies themselves.
This year, the Seattle Seahawks have already made headlines with their OTA’s – Safety Earl Thomas reportedly took a swing at WR Ben Obomanu after he was confronting rookie Jeremy Lane. Doug Baldwin and Mike Williams came to Obomanu’s aid.
Now, Seattle’s offseason camps may be in the news again soon, as Defensive End Chris Clemons hasn’t shown up to camp. While this could easily be explained by something simple and harmless, I doubt Clemons is just opting to flex his voluntary option.
This has the makings of a situation that could turn ugly quickly. (Like his drinking game)
Players holding out for a better deal have not fared well for the vast majority of those who have went that route, and it stands to be the biggest roadblock that Pete Carroll and John Schneider have had in front of them since taking over this Seahawks team.
That is, if this is the case.
Why do I think he’s holding out? I’ve got 3 good reasons.
Key Component
Chris Clemons has become a key component in this Seattle Seahawks defense. Not only is he the best pass rusher this team has by far, but his versatility has helped the team in numerous ways. Much like Bruce Irvin‘s style, though much more refined, Clemons rushes from having his hands in the ground or standing up.
And he never shied away from dropping back into coverage to throw teams off.
With Clemons’ role being so defined on this defensive line and Irvin needing some mentoring before he can take over the reigns as a bona-fide NFL pass rusher, Clemons could use this leverage to get himself paid.

Chris Clemons wants to get paid.
Contract Year
After this 2012 season, Chris Clemons is officially a free agent. This could be sparking him to try and get a contract now to be able to breathe easy through the season and after its conclusion.
While many players earn their next contract in the last year of their current contract, some opt for the job security route and want to shore up a deal before impending joblessness sets in.
With Clemons’ age dipping into the early 30′s, he wants one last big contract for his hard work. The Seahawks still need his aggressiveness off the end to put pressure on opposing quarterbacks and to train the next generation of Seahawks pass rushing.
The Seahawks may be holding out to see how he does this season, but it doesn’t seem like Clemons likes that idea much.
I don’t mean envy in the negative light it’s normally seen in. The fact is that he just watched Marshawn Lynch, Red Bryant, and Leroy Hill all get paid and wants his chunk, too.
After all, you would think 2 straight 11 sack seasons should warrant some contract talks, right? I assume that’s floating around somewhere in his mind.
The big difference between them all, as pointed out wisely by Mike Salk (@BrockandSalk on twitter), is that those other guys had to wait until AFTER they became free agents to get their deals.
The Seahawks let them float around in free agency before reeling them back in with more tempting offers.
Regardless of the situation, let’s all hope this is just a funny little misunderstanding. If PCJS has to confront this dead on, it may not bode well for one or both sides.
Play nice, boys.